3 Important Reasons For Taking Your Shoes Off at Home

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Rug Doctor machines cannot be used for flooding purposes

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Nov 22, 2018

3 Important Reasons For Taking Your Shoes Off at Home

Do you recall what you did yesterday?

Oh, I am not talking about that spilt cup of coffee you sneakily covered up with the rug - this is something else. 

You probably came home, and went straight into the living room - with your shoes still on! 

Most people in the West aren't fully sold on the idea of making a point to remove their shoes every time they come home. However, there are millions of people around the world who never wear shoes inside their house.

The Keeping Shoes on / Shoes off Culture

Green: Shoes Removed in House             Blue: Shoes Not Removed in House

In almost every English-speaking country, it’s not uncommon for people to keep their shoes on inside their home. People might take their shoes off for comfort but it’s not obligatory.

Although taking shoes off at home might not be a norm in some countries, there are countries where it’s mandatory to take your shoes off before entering your own (or someone else’s) house.



In Northern Europe and Austria, it will be considered unhygienic if you enter someone’s house with your shoes on. It seems like they are aware of all the germs your shoes can carry inside with them.

In some Eastern countries (which includes Eastern Europe), it’s unacceptable to wear shoes inside the house.

In Eastern countries - ranging from India and China all the way to Laos and Philippines, it is an age old norm to not wear shoes inside the house.

Japan takes the “taking shoes off” etiquette to a whole new level - you might also have to take your shoes off in restaurants and schools.

We live in a small world these days and the lines between the east and the west are fading. It’s not uncommon to see people in the east wearing a three-piece suit - like it’s not uncommon to see a western person engage in yoga and meditation.



Now, I can almost hear your mind saying : “Really? What’s the reason”? Well, here you go:



1.  Ummm, Because It’s Comfortable?

Yes, it’s not just the germs and toxins being tracked inside on your shoes; being barefoot is actually comfortable. When you have been walking all day in your classy leather shoes (or high heels), it’s not a bad idea to give your feet a stretch.

Being barefoot when you’re inside the house also gives your feet a chance get some air and rest. It’s mentally comforting to be in an environment where you don’t have to put on a professional persona and can relax.

Really, it’s a no-brainer - but still, there are so many times when we just forget to take our shoes off (because it’s not a habit) inside the house.

You should also check out the research on the benefits of walking barefoot on grass.

2.  It Keeps The Dirt Out

It’s a great feeling to have a good long run in a park or a fitness trail. But you may not notice the dirt that gets stuck on the soles of your shoes and then starts to accumulate on your carpet.  With this in mind, it’s definitely not a good idea to bring your running shoes inside, both in regards to keeping your home clean but also odour free - keep those smelly running shoes outside!

Formal shoes don't (usually) get as dirty as running shoes, but keep in mind if you've had a wild night out, who knows where those feet of yours may have led you!

Even if you are leaving your shoes outside, you might still want to check out 6 ways of cleaning your shoes.

3.  It Keeps Those Nasty Germs Away

According to research by the University of Houston , 40% of shoes had the dreaded Clostridium difficile bacteria on them. If you have ever had diarrhoea - well, these bad guys were most probably responsible. You can contract these germs by simply coming into contact with the contaminated surface.

So keep in mind, the shoes that you were wearing in the public restroom and then in your kitchen already had these germs on them. Now, these harmful bacteria's and virus's are on your floor because you wore your shoes inside.

If, God forbid, you drop your phone on the floor- pick it up - then eat with your unsanitised hands, it is highly likely that you will contract a significant amount of germs. 

These are a few reasons why you should take your shoes off in the house, it will benefit both your health and your home.


Wearing your shoes at home can leave stains on your carpet, and not all stains should be treated the same. Some require different products and methods of removal. Rug Doctor has two stain removal products that are each PH balanced and individually formulated to treat either acidic or oil based stains. 

For instance, to get rid of tea and coffee stains you will need the Rug Doctor Stain Remover, but for blood or grease stains you would use the Rug Doctor Spot Remover.

Similarly, there are different cleaning methods for every type of stain - be it your pet’s pee or that bowl of ice cream you accidentally dropped on the couch.

Download Rug Doctor’s Ultimate Stain Removal Guide where we cover the cleaning method for almost every type of stain and what product to use.

It’s highly recommended that you print it out and keep it handy, because you never know when you will spill your next drink or when your pet might have a little accident on your floor.


Gina Gibbs

Author: Gina Gibbs

Gina is the Business Manager at Rug Doctor NZ. With over 20 years at Rug Doctor, she's dedicated to helping New Zealanders keep their homes clean and healthy. Outside of work, Gina enjoys hiking, reading, and enjoying Vietnamese and Asian fusion cuisine. Oh, and let's not forget her expertise in cleaning up after everyone, especially her two kids!